Tuesday, October 3, 2006

A beautiful courtship

To promote and reach the nation, Canada in 2020 has leveraged a range of communication tools on all platforms. You can read, listen, write, watch or attend a forum. There are websites, podcasts, online vmails, blogs, newsletters, RSS feeds..... all beckon you to participate IN YOUR PREFERRED WAYS.

Tell people something interesting is going on and provide them with the right options to find out more. You hate visiting content-rich sites, no problem, how about we deliver newsletters to your door? No time to read, podcasts are here! Want to comment, rant, rave, complain....pick your options, do so in person, in our blogs, in an essay, or even leave a vmail.

Whatever pleases you, my love.

A beautifully simple and effective formula! Put yourself on the receiver side and think FOR them, work WITH them, and create a relationship akin to a good old fashioned courtship.

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